Thursday 15 March 2007

New shoes!

Yes, it was back to Run and Become yesterday to try out the Asics Gel-Tabuco IX WR they'd had sent up from London for me. I love the way they name these things - it reminds me of the Nimbus 2000 broomstick in Harry Potter.

I decided I preferred the Asics Mohave trail shoe, which is more versatile, with a bit more cushioning so you can use it on roads and trails. Hopefully these will have a better grip than my road shoes so I can venture on to (and over the top of) Arthur's Seat and the Pentlands.

I'd show you links to these shoes, but it has to be said that, despite making great trainers that fit my triangular-shaped feet, Asics has a terrible website that is really hard to navigate. Get it sorted, Asics!

In other news, Al's friend Graham, a sports physiotherapist, very kindly fitted me in so I have an appointment tomorrow. My knee has been much better lately, with an elastic support bandage helping a lot. But I certainly don't want a relapse so we'll see what Graham says.

With the knee a bit better and my job getting in the way of the 'little and often' training I was following, I've changed to the Runner's World sub 3.45 schedule. This means only five runs a week, but I've got a toughie today - 4 miles in 33 minutes, sandwiched between a warm up and warm down. I can do short sprints, and I can do long slow runs. But 4 miles in 33 minutes is going to be both boring and painful...

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