Thursday 29 March 2007

Running for a reason

It's been far too long since I've updated my blog. I had first my sister and then my mum to stay, so fitting in running around family commitments had priority. This has led to a couple of odd weeks of training, with rest or easy run days next to each other followed by several days in a row of long slogs or hard sprints.

Last weekend's long run was brought forward to Friday to accommodate the Amnesty International National Conference, conveniently located at Heriot Watt University. If I'd known it had such a lovely green campus I would have packed my trainers. As it was, I contented myself with admiring the cute baby bunnies while walking between venues.

The conference was my first and a great way to remind myself that one of the reasons I'm running is to raise money for this great cause. Some moving speakers told of their experiences working with the victims of war and violence against women; being wrongfully imprisoned; and facing the death penalty. One thing they all shared was their praise for Amnesty and the hope that letters of support gave them. Visit to donate.

Back home, I'd actually enjoyed my 16 mile long run, which felt really good with a strong finish. However, speed training both Tuesday and Wednesday having forgotten my support bandage has left my knee sore again so I'll take it easy today. I've also remembered the bandage and am wearing it all day - with my skirt and boots - not a great look! I've also been neglecting my exercises, so I practiced standing on one leg and bending my knee this morning while eating toast, brushing my teeth and waiting to cross the road.

If it stops raining I'll try a gentle four miles. Otherwise I'll wait for tomorrow for a 9 mile steady run. At least it's lovely and light in the evenings now.

The speed training, much as I loathe it, it crucial to improving. I've come on quickly since moving to training five days a week but I'm still not up to where I was last year and bloody Al is popping off 18 mile runs like they're nothing! As always with me, the distance is not a problem but the speed is. I've no qualms about the Forthside half marathon on Sunday, but I know I won't be able to to it as quickly as last year and that is frustrating.

The only solution is to crank the treadmill up to 13 kmph and sweat away in front of my colleagues. Nice.

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