Sunday 11 March 2007

New socks!

What does it mean when a special treat is a trip to a running shop to buy socks? On Saturday Al and I nipped off to Run and Become, a mecca of Edinburgh runners on Dalry Road. He needed road running shoes, having done all his training so far in trail shoes. And I needed trail shoes and a knee support.

I forgot about the knee support when faced with all the lovely new shiny trainers though. I decided I needed trail shoes a while back when I signed up for the Rat Race, which involves off road running and cycling. Plus I'm hoping to do the Derwentwater Trail again and last time I got stuck in a bog. Once my knee's better (soon, please!), off-road running should help me stay injury free as it avoids the repetitive strain of pounding the pavements.

As it happened, the best-looking shoe wasn't available in my size so I get to go back and perv at them all again next week when they've sent me a pair from London to try. I made do with some super deluxe new go-faster socks instead. Apparently they're specially designed for the feet of female runners, with no less than three different trade-marked high-tech materials. As my toe went through the second of my only two existing pairs of running socks today, it seemed a timely purchase.

My schedule called for a 45 minute slow run yesterday, which I skipped in favour of yoga and the walk back from Murrayfield having watched Scotland snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. And today I managed a slow 13.5 miler without my knee giving me any trouble, though it's a bit sore now. It was a good run, though, including Arthur's Seat where all the gorse flowers are out and smelling lovely and coconutty.

I've signed up for the Alloa Half Marathon next week, but am not expecting a good time, let alone a PB! I was a mite worried that Al had suddenly picked up his training a lot, but it turns out he was accidentally following a schedule aimed at the London Marathon - which is a month earlier than Edinburgh!

Speed work picks up next week, so I'll keep you posted on that and my return trip to Run and Become. Just keep running!

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