Friday 8 February 2008

TFI Friday

Gave my self yesterday off to just go home, watch Top Gear (the one where they drive across Botswana - superb) and eat an entire family pack of mini eggs.

Then made myself go to the gym today and feel extremely virtuous that I did and have thus had a proper four sessions this week.

  • 6 mins cross trainer at level 10, staying above 10 mets
  • 3 miles treadmill, 6.5 mph
  • 2 x 12 reps chest press at 15 kg and 1 x 12 at 20 kg
  • 3 miles treadmill 'cross country 1' setting, which was hills up to 8% at 5.8 mph
  • 2 x 12 reps each of biceps, triceps and the other one on the back machine, all 15 kgs except last biceps at 20 kgs
Then drove home. It's pretty much exactly a 40 mile drive which has had me musing that I could run it in a weekend, perhaps for charity? Could cross the FRB and run along the river rather than get squished on the motorway. Or maybe bike it in a day.

Another musing is to make Sunday's long run the evil radical road loop from a couple of weeks back with - get this - an extra three mile loop round Queen's Drive! Which would make it 10 miles. Hmm. I'm not sure that planning runs while driving is the best way forward.

Right. Got another bag of mini eggs needing attention here. Bye.

PS - anyone else having trouble with Blogger's spell check? Doesn't seem to want to check my blogs at all.


Fiona Lochhead said...

There's a spell check??

I love your labels: hills, long run, mini eggs.


SAM said...

Yep - the spell check hates me. As does TheO who *just* pointed out it should be tricep not tricept (after how long of reading my blog?) ... blogger hates both spellings. Oh, having just checked a dictionary I have discovered it MUST be plural... so biceps and triceps it is!

Not that YOU needed to know....

SAM said...

Let me add: mmmmmmmmm mini eggs